Michelle Lowe

Web Developer


— About —

Hi, I'm Michelle, and I'm a full-stack web developer.

After years of supporting and developing applications written by others, I decided to take the plunge and start developing my own applications. I recently completed General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program turning myself into a full-stack web developer, learning everything from Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery to Git. Now, I'm looking forward to putting my creative and technical skills together and taking my new skills to the next level.

I was born and raised in San Francisco, CA, and I love being outdoors. Once the fog burns off, you may find me on a golf course, running along a trail or just lounging on a deck. Oh, and I have a soft spot for chocolate chip cookies.

— Projects —

Gogo Muni provides real-time SF Muni bus arrival time predictions using your Philips hue lighting system to alert you when the bus is nearby. Set up an alert indicating which bus route, direction (inbound or outbound), stop location, what time you want to start "listening" for the bus to arrive and watch your lights change colors depending on how much time you have to catch the bus. Green - you've got plenty of time; Orange - you better get ready to go; Red (flashing) - leave now!

The NextBus API is used to retrieve San Francisco Muni bus route and stop prediction information, and the Huey gem is used to control the Philips hue lights.

Ruby on Rails, HTML, SCSS, CoffeeScript. In collaboration with Woo Jin Park.

CSS Stache is a showcase of pure CSS-based code snippets. You can browse the collection of code snippets and/or search by keywords and tags and even "play" with the code using the live rendering feature. Developers can show-off and share their designs with others.

The Devise gem is used for authentication, the Rails Admin gem is used for administration of the application and commenting and tagging features have been added.

Ruby on Rails, HTML, SCSS, jQuery. In collaboration with Eu-Wen Ding, Jeffrey Kao, Woo Jin Park and Livien Yin.

Bookworm is a book search/recommendation web application where you can search by title, author or ISBN. From the search results, select a title and get a list of similar books you may like. If there are several titles you want to read, you can log in and save them to your Bookbag.

The GoodReads API is used to retrieve the search results, book details and recommended readings, and the Nokogiri gem is used to parse the XML format returned by the API as well as perform some screen scraping.

Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS.

— Contact —

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